Edens War Dance (aka River)
They say good things come when you stop looking, and that is exactly what happened with this beautiful stallion. "River" came into our lives early 2023 when his owners were moving interstate and weren't able to take him with them, a mutual friend contacted me asking if I knew anyone who was interested as he had been advertised with no interest, and being a sucker for a pinto, it was love at first sight. He very quickly settled into life on our farm, and in April 2023, he attended the IMHR Grand National show where he went 2x Grand National Champion.
Badlands Bank Statement (aka Duke)

Duke was the first foal to ever be born at Badlands and he is definitely my favourite pony and will stay with me forever. He is our resident foal minder these days, but he has had a successful career in halter and performance, and can be dragged from the paddock, clipped and shown with no prep work.
Badlands Jailhouse Rock (aka Angus)

Angus is a full sibling to our best two show mares but a completely different type (he is shown as a pony). He has been retained as a gelding as he is just such a hassle free, cool little dude. He was shown as a weanling and yearling and then brought back out to show as a three year old and is consistently in the broad sashes, but he spends most of his time just enjoying paddock life with our other boys.
Badlands Small Town Southern Man (aka Dallas)

Beautiful (sometimes very naughty) Dallas is a 37.5% American Shetland, smoky black splash tobiano gelding, the last foal from Sahara as sadly we lost her when he was only a few weeks old. Dallas was raised on formula as an orphan with Sassy as his nanny, and she did a fantastic job with him. We have been enjoying shows with him since he was old enough to attend. PHOTO BY LUCY CAMBOURN PHOTOGRAPHY
Badlands Heza Dance Sensation (aka Wally)

Wally was shown lightly and sold as a yearling, but it was one of my biggest regrets. In 2022, the opportunity to buy him back came up and I couldn't go and get him fast enough. He is very special to us, being the first foal from our super mare Diva. Two weeks after getting him back home, we were back in the show ring together, he did us so proud, even having his first attempt at performance events, and I really look forward to what the future holds for him.
Badlands High Voltage (aka Volt)